Ansalonga Andorra

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from motorhome drivers for motorhome driver

Ansalonga, Information and images


    Motorhome place campsite Borda d´Ansalonga

    CP ()AD300 Ansalonga Andorra
    Pay for use site 23 Euro
    WMSEN DwcWvTvU
    open Januar until Dezember

    Selected parking spaces

    | Parking suitable for campers over 8 m
    Parc Central
    andorra AD500 Andorra la Vella Parc Central
    Large parking lot with extra parking bays for campers. The only parking lot for campers in Andorra la Vella. Overnight stays not allowed.
    How to get there: Out of town towards Spain Avenida de Tarrag. . . FURTHER . . .
    | Parking lot for hikers
    Wanderparkplatz Cami del Prats
    andorra AD100 Meritxell
    One can walk to the sanctuary from here. There is an information board at the site
    | general parking lot
    P Nostra Senyora de Meritxell
    andorra AD100 Meritxell
    Besucherparkplatz für das Heiligtum. Südlich gibt es ein Hotel mit Restaurant
    | general parking lot
    Allgemeiner Parkplatz
    andorra AD700 les Escaldes Avinguda Consell de la Terra
    | Picnic parking area
    Picknickplatz mit Wasserstelle
    andorra AD700 Les Cases del Vilar Carretera d´Engolasters
    | Parking lot for hikers
    Aparcament d
    andorra AD700 Engolasters
    | Parking lot for hikers
    Cami de les Agulles d
    andorra AD700 Engolasters
    Aparcament Comunal
    andorra AD200 Vila

    Selected sights

    | monastery
    Basilico Nostra Senyora de Meritxell
    andorra AD100 Meritxell CS-230
    Die Basilika und Heiligtum "Nostra Senyora de Meritxell" befindet sich in Andorra. Es ist eines der wichtigsten religiösen Zentren des Landes und ein Symbol der andorranischen Identität.Die ursprüngl. . . FURTHER . . .

    Selected service points

    | Picnic area
    Merendero de La Font de la Closa
    andorra AD700 Les Cases del Vilar
    | public water point fountain spring
    andorra AD700 Els Vilars
    | playground
    andorra AD700 Els Vilars
    andorra AD700 les Escaldes Avinguda de les Nacions Unides
    Wasserstelle an einem Picknickplatz
    andorra AD700 Les Cases del Vilar Carretera d´Engolasters

    Selected gastronomy

    | Bar
    Barri Antic
    andorra AD700 Andorra la Vella Carrer La Llacuna
    Very decent pub, nice owners and much more than decent grub. inexpensive. Do try it!
    | McDonald
    andorra AD500 Andorra la Vella
    | McDonald
    andorra AD500 Andorra la Vella
    L era del Rossell
    andorra AD100 Meritxell

    motorhome places Ansalonga in these books

    General Pois

    | church
    Santa Coloma Church
    andorra AD100 el Forn Carretera del Forn
    Santa Coloma Church - very beautiful little church on the hill above the city of Andorra.
    | Repsol
    andorra AD500 la Margineda Avenida d´Enclar
    Estacio de Servicei Repsol la Margineda
    | Miscellaneous
    andorra AD700 les Escaldes

    Mon-Sat 10:00-21:00«, » Su 10:00-19:00
    | Mountain pass
    Port Dret
    | Mountain pass
    Collado Pequeño
    | sonstiges
    andorra AD700 Els Vilars
    | Tourist Info
    Oficina Nacional de Turisme
    andorra AD500 Andorra la Vella Carrer Doctor Vilanova
    | Informationstafel
    andorra AD100 Meritxell
    | church
    Our Lady of Meritxell
    andorra AD100 Meritxell
    Basilico Nostra Senyora de Meritxell
    | Carrefour
    andorra AD400 La Massana
    | Carrefour
    Carrefour City
    andorra AD100 Canillo
    E. Leclerc
    andorra AD500 Andorra la Vella
    andorra AD200 Encamp