Motorhome place Annecy, Rhone-Alpes France


Europe´s bigest motorhome-portal
from motorhome drivers for motorhome driver
Evaluation motorhome parking Chemin de Colmyr

  SP (102221) pure RV parking, which are only established in Sept.2007 wurde.Chemin de Colmyr Ten marked (2x5) Flächen.Womos very close. For Dick vessels not suitable. The place is usually occupied from 17:00.

The large gravel space right next to the parking space: open height limit, fully occupied!

Price : without charge

-> available:from: .Januar until: .Dezember
  W M S E N H
water:Water without charge
Dumpstation:No fee dump
Stream:No electricity available
Garbage:dustbin available
Dogs:Dogs allowed
Comments and ratings

The most important comments (available in total=27)
dietmar1954 | 2023-11 |
Despite being fully occupied, it was pleasantly quiet
novus | 2022-01 |
Narrow space with disposal, unfortunately many have their jokers running, so very loud. The gravel place next to the parking space was closed. January 2, 2022
kugel | 2021-09 |
End of September 2021: The aforementioned large gravel space right next to the parking space can now be used. The barrier system is open and the space is fully occupied; also the official parking space. However, the space is very slightly inclined, wedges are an advantage. The supply and disposal station of the parking space can be used.
cbrun | 2020-09 |
There is another large gravel area in the rear part of the square, which is separated by a height limit of 2.65 m. There are no other restrictions for vehicles under this limit, but a lot of space and only 100 m from the lake and 1.5 km from the wonderful city center.
comment and rate

Address motorhome parking space

Frankreich, Rhone-Alpes, 74290 Annecy
Street:Chemin de Colmyr
Number of places:10
MeinwomoID 102221
Environment:very beautiful surroundings
last visit message: 11/2023


Facilities/Right on the site


Other:besser mit Fahhrad erreichbar
Facilities/walking distance

Other:ca 1km

Directions and coordinates

From the north, across the city towards the lake and then along the lake (D508) direction Ugine. Parking sign at the exit (directly behind the tennis courts).

  Coordinates and contact details are only displayed logged in

ebooks / with this campingcar place

Place environment (poisplaces)

000.16 kmfilmfilm
001.27 kmtourist spottourist spot (kunst)
001.42 km AUTHORITY AUTHORITY (rathaus)
001.73 kmWaterparkWaterpark
001.82 kmtourist spottourist spot (kathedrale)
001.89 km athletic fields athletic fields (parkenpkw)
002.02 km athletic fields athletic fields (parkenpkw)
002.1 km AUTHORITY AUTHORITY (schule)
002.16 kmsupermarketsupermarket (intermarche)
002.3 km means of transport means of transport (bahnhof)
002.5 kmsupermarketsupermarket (carrefour)
002.67 kmsupermarketsupermarket (lidl)
002.81 kmsupermarketsupermarket (aldi)
003 km athletic fields athletic fields (parkenall)
003.5 km athletic fields athletic fields (parkenpkw)
003.6 kmrestaurantrestaurant
004.2 kmsupermarketsupermarket (carrefour)
004.24 kmsupermarketsupermarket (carrefour)
004.35 km AUTHORITY AUTHORITY (schule)
004.36 kmsupermarketsupermarket (lidl)