Corneilla-de-conflent-france France

Europe´s bigest motorhome-portal
from motorhome drivers for motorhome driver

Corneilla-de-conflent-france, Information and images

    Video films of the place and surroundings


    Motorhome place campsite Las Closes

    CP ()66820 Corneilla-de-Conflent France France
    Pay for use site 17.1 until 20.6 Euro
    WMSEN DwcWvU
    open 1.April until 31.Oktober

    Selected parking spaces

    | Picnic parking area
    frankreich 66500 Conat Route de Conat
    kleiner Schotterparkplatz neben der Strasse, ideal für einen kleinen Picknickstop
    | general parking lot
    frankreich 66820 Villefranche-de-Conflent
    | general parking lot
    frankreich 66500 Codalet
    | general parking lot
    frankreich 66500 Prades Allée de la Plaine Saint-Martin
    | general parking lot
    frankreich 66500 Prades D 619
    | general parking lot
    frankreich 66500 Prades La Rocade
    frankreich 66500 Prades McDrive

    Selected sights

    | Hiking
    Wanderung zum Kloster Saint Martin du Canigou
    frankreich 66820 Casteil
    Most people will only visit the small, sleepy town of Casteil on the western slope of the Canigou because they want to walk the two kilometers from here to visit the monastery of Saint Martin du Canig. . . FURTHER . . .
    Coast to coast across the Pyrenees

    Selected gastronomy

    | eMail
    McDonalds Prades
    frankreich 66500 Prades McDrive

    motorhome places Corneilla-de-conflent-france in these books

    General Pois

    | church
    Kirche Saint Pierre
    frankreich 66500 Prades Rue de l´Église
    The Gothic church with its Romanesque tower is the main monument of the city of Prades. The altar is considered one of the largest in France.
    | Other
    frankreich 66500 Prades Pla de Baix
    Station Services Super U Prades Pla de Baix
    | SuperU
    Supermarche Super U
    frankreich 66500 Prades Gibraltar
    Super Marche Super U Prades Gibraltar
    | Other
    Frankreich 66500 Prades Route de Marquixanes