Saint-tienne-des-hautes-terres France

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Saint-tienne-des-hautes-terres, Information and images

  • The city with its 173 000 inhabitants is located north of the Seine estuary in the Seine-Maritime department in the Haute-Normandie region.. <9> The town was destroyed during World War II and rebuilt in 1945-54.. In doing so, she received the character of a modern colored concrete architecture.. <9> <9> <1001> <9> <9> Attractions: <9> <9> The city center with wide boulevards, houses made of colored concrete with colonnades and simple ornamentation.. It has been UNESCO World Heritage since 2005.. <9> <9> The Eglise Saint-Joseph , Rue de Caligny 2 <9> 1951 - 56 built with thousands of glass blocks in the concrete body.. The church tower has a height of 107m.. <9> <9> The City Hall , Place de l´Hotel de Ville <9> With its 72m high tower, it is located on the north-east corner of the large ´Jardin de l´Hotel de Ville´.. <9> <9> The Cultural Center , Bassin du Commerce <9> It was completed in 1972.. <9> <9> Musée des Beaus-André Malraux , 2 Boulevard Clemenceau <9> The focus is on the fine arts with works by Eugéne Boudin and other masters of Impressionism.. <9> <9> Museum of Natural History , Place du Vieux Marché <9> Housed in the former Palace of Justice.. <9> <9> Cathédrale Notre-Dame du Havre , Rue de Paris <9> She survived the turmoil of the war.. The construction dates back to the 16th century. <9> <9> Pont de Normandie , crossing the Seine with a span of 856 m.. <9> <9> Les Docks Vauban , Quai Frissard <9> The warehouses, built in 1846, now house a shopping center.. <9> <9> Les Jardins Suspendus , Rue du Fort <9> The botanical garden opened in 2005.. <9> <9> <9> <1002> Le Havre online information <9>


Video films of the place and surroundings


Motorhome place

PN ()76310 Sainte-Adresse, Cap La Heve Haute-Normandie France
without charge
open Januar until Dezember

Selected parking spaces

| general parking lot
Parking Jardins Suspendus Nord
frankreich 76310 Le Havre
| general parking lot
frankreich 76930 Octeville-sur-Mer Rue René Coty
Parking Relais : Grand Hameau
frankreich 76930 Octeville-sur-Mer
frankreich 76620 Le Havre
frankreich 76600 Le Havre

Selected sights

Frankreich - Die Seine
Eine Reise mit zahlreichen Sehenswürdigen in herrlicher Landschaft.
Frankreich - Die Seine
| Cultural History
Musee Maison de larmareur
frankreich 76600 Le Havre Rue des Étoupières

Selected service points

| Charging station
frankreich 76930 Le Moulin
| Charging station
frankreich 76600 Le Havre

Selected gastronomy

| eMail
Asien-Restaurant 76 Le Havre
frankreich 76600 Le Havre, Saint-Frans§ois Rue Voltaire
| eMail
Japanisches-Restaurant 76 Le Havre
frankreich 76600 Le Havre, Saint-Frans§ois Rue Voltaire
| eMail
McDonalds Le Havre
frankreich 76600 Le Havre, Danton Quai Colbert
| eMail
Asien-Restaurant 76 Le Havre
frankreich 76600 Le Havre, Les Acacias Rue Aristide Briand
| McDonald
frankreich 76620 Le Havre
| Pizzeria
frankreich 76930 Octeville-sur-Mer
| Pizzeria
Pizza Tonton
frankreich 76930 Octeville-sur-Mer
frankreich 76930 Octeville-sur-Mer

motorhome places Saint-tienne-des-hautes-terres in these books

General Pois

| Miscellaneous
Leader Price
Frankreich 76620 Le Havre Rue Irène Joliot Curie
other:76620 Le Havre, Rue Irène Joliot Curie :Leader Price
| Miscellaneous
Leader Price
Frankreich 76600 Le Havre Rue des Briquetiers 70
Other: 76600 Le Havre, Rue des Briquetiers 70: Leader Price
| Miscellaneous
Proxi Marche
frankreich 76930 Octeville-sur-Mer Rue Felix Faure
Proxi Marche Octeville-sur-Mer Rue Felix Faure
| hospital
Centre Hospitalier General du Havre
Frankreich 76600 Le Havre
Centre Hospitalier General du Havre Le Havre
| Ferry
frankreich 76600 Le Havre, Saint-Frans§ois E 05
Le Havre - Portsmouth
Le Havre - Rosslare