Vichy France

Europe´s bigest motorhome-portal
from motorhome drivers for motorhome driver

Vichy, Information and images

    Video films of the place and surroundings


    Motorhome place

    NO ()03200 Vichy Auvergne France
    without charge
    WMSEN DwcU
    open Januar until Dezember

    Selected parking spaces

    | general parking lot
    Parkplatz Bld deLattre de Tassigny
    frankreich 03200 Vichy Bld deLattre de Tassigny
    Located directly on the river Allier, since the road passes above the car park relatively quiet for sleeping, shopping nearby.
    Directions: Normal, see road map
    | Parking lot cemetery
    Parkplatz am
    frankreich 03200 Abrest Rue de l´Est
    Cimetiere de Bellerive-sur-Aliier
    frankreich 03700 Bellerive-sur-Allier
    Cimetiere de Charmeil
    frankreich 03110 Charmeil
    Cimetiere de Creuzier-le-Neuf
    frankreich 03300 Creuzier-le-Neuf
    Cimetiere de Saint-Sylvestre-Pragoulin
    frankreich 63310 Saint-Sylvestre-Pragoulin

    Selected service points

    | public restroom
    frankreich 03200 Vichy
    | Laundromat
    frankreich 03260 Saint-Germain-des-Fossés

    Selected gastronomy

    | BurgerKing
    Burger King
    frankreich 03700 Bellerive-sur-Allier Allée Colonel Henri Rol-Tanguy
    Restaurant Burger King Bellerive sur Allier
    | Other
    frankreich 03200 Vichy Boulevard du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny
    Restaurant La Rotonde Vichy
    | eMail
    McDonalds Vichy
    frankreich 03200 Vichy Rond-Point Robert Schuman
    | Other
    Restaurant Buffalo Grill
    Frankreich 03700 Bellerive-sur-Allier Avenue de Vichy

    motorhome places Vichy in these books

    General Pois

    frankreich 03700 Bellerive-sur-Allier, Pont-de-Crau Impasse des Ns©nuphars
    Castle with hotel in Bellerive-sur-Allier in Château La Rigon
    | Carrefour
    Supermarche Carrefour
    frankreich 03300 Cusset Avenue Gilbert Roux 135
    Supermarket Carrefour Cusset Avenue Gilbert Roux
    | Total
    frankreich 03200 Vichy Avenue de Gramont
    Station Service Total Vichy Avenue de Gramont
    | Total
    frankreich 03300 Cusset D 2209
    Station Service Total Cusset D 2209
    | police
    Commissariat de Police
    frankreich 03200 Vichy Rue Jean Jaurès
    Commissariat de Police Vichy