Chorin Germany

Europe´s bigest motorhome-portal
from motorhome drivers for motorhome driver

Chorin, Information and images


    Motorhome place Ökohof Engler

    Ag ()16230 Chorin Germany
    Pay for use site 20 Euro
    WMSEN DwcU
    open 1.Januar until 31.Dezember

    Motorhome place Wohnmobilparkplatz Kloster Chorin

    PN ()16230 Chorin Brandenburg Germany
    Pay for use site 3 Euro
    WMSEN DwcU
    open Januar until Dezember

    Selected sights

    | monastery
    Zisterzienser Kloster Chorin
    Deutschland 16230 Chorin Amt Chorin 11
    The former Cistercian monastery in Chorin was built from 1273 as a unique North German brick Gothic building. Its early Gothic architectural style and the eventful past of the building ensemble, which. . . FURTHER . . .
    | building
    Deutschland 16248 Niederfinow Hebewerkstraße 52
    On March 21, 1934, the ship lift was put into operation. It is the oldest working ship lift in Germany. With it, 36 m difference in height at the Oder/Havel canal are overcome.
    | Bicycle / motorcycle
    Rundtour: von Niederfinow nach Joachimsthal
    Deutschland 16248 Niederfinow
    Beautiful round trip along the canals to Joachimsthal on Grimnitzsee.
    We are on the road for 2 days
    | viewpoint
    Aussicht Choriner Knack
    deutschland 16230 Amt Chorin Lieper Amtsweg
    | viewpoint
    deutschland 16247 Klein Ziethen B 198
    | viewpoint
    Brodowiner Dorfstraße
    deutschland 16230 Chorin Brodowiner Dorfstraße
    | viewpoint
    Steingrube Sperlingsherberge
    deutschland 16247 Neugrimnitz Steingrube Sperlingsherberge
    | viewpoint
    deutschland 16230 Pehlitz Pehlitz
    | Open-air museum
    Geopark Sperlingsherberge
    deutschland 16247 Sperlingsherberge Sperlingsherberge
    | Natural History
    Besucher- und Informationszentrum Geopark Groß Ziethen
    deutschland 16247 Ziethen Zur Mühle

    Selected service points

    | Charging station
    deutschland 16248 Niederfinow Lieper Schleuse

    motorhome places Chorin in these books

    General Pois

    | Farmers Shop
    Ökodorf Brodowin
    deutschland 16230 Weißensee Brodowiner Dorfstraße
    Das Ökodorf steht für:
    Autenzität, resourcenschonend, saisonal.
    biodynamische Landwirtschaft
    | sea
    Amtssee Chorin
    deutschland 16230 Chorin Amt Chorin
    deutschland 16230 Chorin Amt Chorin