Malgrate Italy

Europe´s bigest motorhome-portal
from motorhome drivers for motorhome driver

Malgrate, Information and images

  • The city of 48,000 inhabitants is located at the south-eastern end of Lake Como.. It is the capital of the province of Lecco in Lombardy.. Here the Fiumme Adda joins the lago de Como with the Lago di Garade.. <9> The center with the long pedestrian zone appears prosperous and modern.. <9> <9> Worth Seeing: <9> <9> Piazza Garibaldi <9> with the Monument to the Freedom Fighter Giuseppe Garibaldi <9> <9> Via Cavour <9> It is the main shopping street of Lecco <9> <9 > The monument Alessandro Francesco Tommaso Manzoni , Piazza Manzoni <9> He lived from 1785 to 1873 and was one of the most respected poets in Italy.. <9> <9> The Manzoni Museum , Piazza Manzoni <9> It shows the life and work of the poet <9> <9> The Museo Civico , Piazza XXSettembre <9> provides valuable information about the Risorgimento, the union of the regions and the nation state Italy.. <9> <9> In Piazza XXSettembre <9>, numerous cafes convey the southern flair.



Motorhome place

SP ()23864 Malgrate Italy
Pay for use site 5.00 Euro
open Januar until Dezember

Selected parking spaces

| Parking lot cemetery
Parkplatz am
italien 23862 Scola Via del Ponte
Cimitero di Abbadia Lariana
italien Abbadia Lariana
Cimitero di Foppenico
23801 Calolziocorte

Selected service points

| car wash
italien 23851 Malgrate Via provinciale
| car wash
italien 23864 Malgrate SP639
| car wash
italien 23864 Malgrate Via San Leonardo

Selected gastronomy

| eMail
China Restaurant, la Pagoda Via Leonardo da Vi 38
italien 23900 Lecco Via Adda
| eMail
Lecco [LC]
italien 23900 Lecco Lungolario Isonzo
| eMail
China Restaurant, Asia Via Della Pergola 41
italien 23900 Lecco 639
| eMail
Antica Osteria Casa di Lucia
italien 23900 Lecco Viale Montegrappa
| eMail
China Restaurant, Isola oro Corso Bergamo
italien 23900 Lecco Corso Bergamo
| McDonald
italien 23900 Lecco
| McDonald
italien 23852 Garlate

motorhome places Malgrate in these books

General Pois

| Tourist Info
italien 23900 Lecco Via Nazario Sauro 6
open throughout the year