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deitesfrnlse How can I delete a parking space?

  It is not possible to delete a RV site / campsite!.

Places which no longer exist, please provide a technical comment .. .. The admin or one of the moderators then sets the pitch to ´Unusable´ , but he always stays in Poiwalk, unless at this point NEVER was one, then he is deleted..

This is done so that others know that the place is no longer usable.. If you removed him, he would very quickly be re-entered by someone who was there and does not know that the place is gone.. Or someone does not see the place elsewhere on the internet or with us and thinks we do not have that yet.. But everyone knows that this place was there, but it does not exist anymore..

Therefore please go to the pitch and write a technical comment with a short explanation such.. B. ´was closed´ or ´can not be used for the reasons´.. ,. ,. ,. ,.

~womo66~fritz14~debrequ~wr~adier~palstek~, 2015-02-17

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