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deitesfrnlse A description of all symbols at the pitch

  Below is a description of all the symbols used in the pitch that are currently available (not all are used in this book).. If a very close letter printing is made, symbols of different areas are hung in a row.. In order to differentiate, there is a group symbol.. <9> <983> <9> <983> <983> <121> GROUP SYMBOLS <122> <983> <983> <983> <983> <983> <9> <983> <1001> <983> Direct at location <983> <1002> <983> Directly at <983> <1003> <983> within walking distance <983> <1004> <983> Other <983> <9> <983> <983> <121> General <122> <983> <983> <983> <983> <983> <9> <983> <1005> <983> fishing <983> <1006> <983> animation <983> <1007 > <983> Baby changing room <983> <1008> <983> Children´s pool <983> <9> <983> <1009> <983> Animation for children <983> <1010> <983> Outdoor <983> <1011> < 983> heated swimming pool <983> <1012> <983> indoor pool <983> <9> <983> <1013> <983> parking space near a farm <983> <1014> <983> suitable for the handicapped <983> <1015 > <983> Square is lit <983> <1016> <983> Square is guarded <983> <9> <983> <1017> <983> Industrial Port <983> <1018> <983> Roll Service <983> <1019 > <983> company <983> <1020> <983> river <983> <9> <983> <1021> <983> Amusement park <983> <1022> <983> cemetery <983> <1023> <983> Gas Sale <983> <1024> <983> Golf Course <983> <9> <983> <1025> <983> Barbecue allowed <983> <1026> <983> Marina <983> <1027> <983> Manufacturers <983 > <1028> <9. 83> Industrial Area <983> <9> <983> <1029> <983> Shopping Supermarket <983> <1030> <983> Shopping <983> <1031> <983> Children´s Playground <983> <1032> <983> Church <983> <9> <983> <1033> <983> Coordinates available <983> <1034> <983> Sea <983> <1035> <983> Mobile Home <983> <1036> <983> Museum <983> <9> <983> <1037> <983> natural park <983> <1038> <983> Cycling <983> <1039> <983> restaurant <983> <1040> <983> sauna <983> <9> < 983> <1041> <983> lake <983> <1042> <983> Gas station <983> <1043> <983> tennis court <983> <1044> <983> table Tennis <983> <9> <983> <1045 > <983> Thermal bath <983> <1046> <983> Tumble dryer <983> <1047> <983> UMTS reception possible <983> <1048> <983> Environmental zone <983> <9> <983> <1049 > <983> Washing Machine <983> <1050> <983> Winery <983> <1051> <983> WIFI fee <983> <1052> <983> WIFI <983> <9> <983> <1053> <983 > trails <983> <1054> <983> playground <983> <1055> <983> Sports <983> <1056> <983> sports field <983> <9> <983> <1057> <983> city <983 > <1058> <983> Castle <983> <9> <983> <983> <121> Camping <122> <983> <983> <983> <983> <983> <9> <983> <1059 > <983> In front of a campsite <983> <1. 060> <983> On a camping <983> <1061> <983> Camping unvisited <983> <1062> <983> Camping <983> <9> <983> <983> <121> Shower <122> <983 > <983> <983> <983> <983> <9> <983> <1063> <983> Shower Charge <983> <1064> <983> No Shower <983> <1065> <983> Shower Unknown < 983> <1066> <983> shower <983> <9> <983> <983> <121> disposal <122> <983> <983> <983> <983> <983> <9> <983> < 1067> <983> Waste disposal fee <983> <1068> <983> No disposal <983> <1069> <983> Disposal unknown <983> <1070> <983> Disposal <983> <9> <983> <983 > <121> Dogs <122> <983> <983> <983> <983> <983> <9> <983> <1071> <983> Dogs pay <983> <1072> <983> Dogs only on the Leash <983> <1073> <983> No dogs <983> <1074> <983> Dogs unknown <983> <9> <983> <1075> <983> Dog <983> <9> <983> <983 > <121> Waste disposal <122> <983> <983> <983> <983> <983> <9> <983> <1076> <983> Waste disposal, one for all <983> <1077> <983> Waste separation Glass extra <983> <1078> <983> Waste separation <983> <1079> <983> Waste disposal unknown <983> <9> <983> <1080> <983> No waste disposal <983> <1081> <983> Garbage. tsorgung <983> <9> <983> <983> <121> Pitch <122> <983> <983> <983> <983> <983> <9> <983> <1082> <983> Pitch <983 > <1083> <983> Pitch at a farm <983> <1084> <983> Pitch at a company <983> <1085> <983> Pitch at a hotel <983> <9> <983> <1086> < 983> Parking space no longer exists <983> <1087> <983> Pitch only V + E <983> <1088> <983> Pitch in parcels <983> <1089> <983> Pitch near a restaurant <983> <9 > <983> <1090> <983> Pitch at a winery <983> <1091> <983> Pitch is tolerated in winter <983> <1092> <983> Pitch in winter <983> <1093> <983> Pitch Does not exist <983> <9> <983> <1094> <983> Where to stay <983> <1095> <983> Picnic <983> <1096> <983> Unspoilt Place <983> <1097> <983> Not allowed <983> <9> <983> <983> <121> Power <122> <983> <983> <983> <983> <983> <9> <983> <1098> <983> Power from the machine <983> <1099> <983> Electricity billing according to KW <983> <1100> <983> No current possible <983> <1101> <983> Current is calculated as a whole <983> <9> <983> <1102 > <983> Current unknown <983> <110. 3> <983> Current <983> <9> <983> <983> <121> toilets <122> <983> <983> <983> <983> <983> <9> <983> <1104> < 983> WC chargeable <983> <1105> <983> No WC <983> <1106> <983> WC unknown <983> <1107> <983> WC <983> <9> <983> <983> <121 Environment <122> <983> <983> <983> <983> <983> <9> <983> <1108> <983> Environment ugly <983> <1109> <983> Environment useable <983> <1110 Environment <983> <1111> <983> Environment very nice <983> <9> <983> <983> <121> Underground <122> <983> <983> <983> <983> < 983> <9> <983> <1112> <983> Underground Asphalt <983> <1113> <983> Underground pavement <983> <1114> <983> Underground Lawn pavers <983> <1115> <983> Underground meadow < 983> <9> <983> <1116> <983> Underground Sand <983> <1117> <983> Underground Gravel <983> <1118> <983> Underground Gravel <983> <1119> <983> Underground Forest < 983> <9> <983> <983> <121> Supply <122> <983> <983> <983> <983> <983> <9> <983> <1120> <983> Water fee required <983> <1121> <983> No Water Available <983> <1122> <983> Water Unknown <983> <1123> <983> Water <983> <9> <983> <9>

~fritz14~debrequ~palstek~womo66~wr~adier~, 2019-01-11

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listed in the mobile home parking space database of meinwomo