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deitesfrnlse Along the Danube through Austria

  The Danube with its 2850 km is the second longest river in Europe.. On a length of 357 km it flows through Austria and in this way we want to accompany you.. <9> The different landscape forms make up the special charm of this journey.. <9> The Schlögener Schlinge and the Wachau are probably the most beautiful parts of this tour.. <9> The lovely hilly landscapes, rugged cliffs, wide, even pools and the Aulandschaft with their natural parks offer countless opportunities for hiking and cycling.. <9> <9> <994/1398389> <994/1398392> <994/1398395> <994/1398398> <9> <9> Medieval ruins and castles, magnificent baroque buildings, museums and of course Vienna, the capital of Austria Culture lovers a lot of enjoyment.. <9> <9> The journey ends in Hainburg, near the Slovak border.. <9> For restful nights, of course, a variety of Stell- or Camingplätze included in this tour.. <9> The route leads over well-developed federal and provincial roads and is free from any fees.

~halifax7~halifax7~, 2013-12-09

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