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deitesfrnlseBiberach an der Riss

  Biberach is located in Upper Swabia, in the administrative district of Tübingen, district of Biberach and accommodates 72 sq km 424 inhabitants..
Current information and events can be found at www.. biberach-crack.. DE

Biberach is known for its high standard of living and leisure.. A lovingly designed old town, an excellent range of housing in new construction areas, rich cultural events, educational facilities, a scenic environment and optimistic people make the city likeable..

13994  13995  13996  13997  1653365  1653367 

The area was already settled in Roman times , proven by a villa rustica in the so-called Burrenwald.. The find is on the 2nd Jhdt.. dated to Chr..
Biberach is first mentioned in documents around 1083 and proclaimed in 1281 the Free Imperial City..
Economic importance gained Biberach as Weberstadt and cloth metropolis.. The canvases and fabrics were exported throughout Europe..
Biberach is located on the Upper Swabian Baroque street, the Schwäbischen Dichterstrasse, as well as the Mühlenstraße..
Likewise the Jakobspilgerweg «Nuremberg-Ulm-Constance-Santiago de Compostela» roams the city, as well as the German Fachwerkstrasse..

Biberach is home to several museums, the oldest German children´s theater, an annual film festival, several churches, a so-called. ´Russian cemetery´, the spa and spa Jordanbad, and in the vicinity some castles..

13998  13999  14000 

In the last week of school before the summer holidays there is a shooting festival in Biberach, a film festival takes place in autumn every year, as well as a Christmas market..

For the physical well-being in Biberach with local bakery worried in the form of soul, Knauzenwecken and Fastenbrezel..
The Schützenkrapfen «puff pastry filled with raspberry jam» is also available for the Schützenfest.

1653362  1653363  1653364 


~fritz~fritz14~womo66~, 2015-12-03

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