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deitesfrnlse Bad Wurzach

  Bad Wurzach is a small spa town in Upper Swabia and the oldest mud spa in Baden-Wuerttemberg.. The predicate ´Bad´ was awarded in 1950..
Around 15,000 inhabitants live in Bad Wurzach..
More information can be found at Bad Wurzach
The town was first mentioned in a document on 13 June 1273 as ´Oppidum Wurzun´

Interesting facts in and around Bad Wurzach / What can to visit / visit

The Kartause Marienau «OT of Bad Wurzach» is a monastery of the contemplative Carthusian order It is the only existing Charterhouse in the German-speaking area and is inhabited in 1964 by monks.
It was built in 1962, The guiding principle of poverty and simplicity underlies
Like all kartausen, the Marienau can not be visited: Male visitors can join in the sung Vespers from the gallery of the monastery church daily at 15:00 o´clock in the summer months, after the time change Central European Summer Time «CEST», the Vespers take place daily at 16:00 o´clock.

Schloss Bad Wurzach with a remarkable baroque staircase from 1728
was built in the years 1723-1728 by Count Truchsess von Waldburg-Zeil it 2 centuries. long residence of the Wurzacher line of the noble family.. In 1922 the Salvatorians built a Latin school with a boys´ boarding school in its walls, until the school was banned in 1937 by the National Socialists..
During the Second World War, it served as a military or prisoner-of-war camp for French prisoners of war.
Today, the castle is home to senior-friendly apartments attached to the Nursing Home Stift zum Heiligen Geist..
It also offers rooms for the upper school of the Salvatorkolleg High School, as well as a class of highly talented students..
The East Wing offers training in social professions..
The aforementioned Baroque staircase is the official registry office of Bad Wurzach.

The Wurzacher Ried is an important raised bog on an area of ​​1812 hectares.. About eight kilometers south of the Ried is the mainly ornithologically very interesting Rohrsee.. It provides habitat for rare plant and animal species such as cotton grass, marsh rosemary, cranberry and cranberry, sundew, peat moss, cranberries, red birch trees, decaying trees and red-eared pines..
In addition, various types of sedge, flowering plants and orchids.. You will find amphibians, reptiles and birds «such as Kiebitz, Wachtelkönig, Bekassine»

Bad Wurzach offers some recreational facilities, including:
* Thermalbad ´Vitalium´ with new sauna area, indoor pool, outdoor pool
* Numerous hiking trails in the Wurzacher Ried
* Skaterplatz
* Several sports fields, including an artificial turf pitch
* The Alpakahof is an adventure park situated by the Rohrsee nature reserve.. Founded in 1992, it is Baden-Wurttemberg´s largest petting zoo with twelve hectares..

~fritz14~fritz~womo66~, 2015-12-03

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