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deitesfrnlse Bad Saulgau

  Bad Saulgau

Bad Saulgau, the young spa town «predicate ´Bad´ was awarded only in 2000!» Is the largest city in the district of Sigmaringen in Baden Württemberg..
The city is located on the Schwäbischen Bäderstraße, the mill street Oberschwaben and the Upper Swabian Baroque street..

In 819 ´Sulaga´ was first mentioned in a document Still today the place in the local dialect Sulga.. «Origin is the Old High German word SUL = swampy spot, water hole»
Art and Museums

* The Old Bad Saulgau Monastery is a cultural center opened in 2010 with Municipal Gallery, City Library and Music School.. The building was built in 1665 by Franciscans.. It´s well worth a visit!
* Galerie am Markt
* The Municipal Youth Music School
* The Stadtmuseum shows Saulgau´s 500 years of Habsburg history as one of the ´Five Danube Cities´ in Austria and the brewing tradition..

Music and Bath Saulgau

* Sankt Johannes Choirboys
* Girls´ Kantorei
* Klais-organ in the parish church of St. Johannes with its 48 registers
* Municipal Youth Music School
* Jazz club Bad Saulgau regularly organizes concerts..

Architectural and Churches

* Sießen Monastery, founded in 1260 and built in 1519. The ´Hummel Room´ displays works by the sister Maria Innocentia Hummel, based on which the famous figures of bumblebees were made
* Monastery Church of St. Mark built 1725
* St. Wendelin Chapel on Sießener footpath
* City Church of St. John Baptist i
* The Cross or Swedish Chapel, a Protestant church in Bad Saulgau, built in 1450.
* Liebfrauenkirche

and countless other churches in the surrounding communities.. Bad Saulgau is justifiably a very pious city.

Further historical buildings can be found in the old town, such as

* The Oberamtshof,
* on the marketplace stands the historic half-timbered house Ecklädele, as well as the Alemannic half-timbered house Haus am Markt from the period around 1400.
* opposite the town hall is the ´Sießener Haus´, the oldest documented townhouse in Saulgau..
* The Cat´s Tower is the only surviving tower in the old city fortifications..
* The life-size bronze statue of Empress Maria-Theresia
* various fountains: the Narrenbrunnen, the Röhrbrunnen at the Marktplatz, the Lügebrunnen

<1001> <1002> 13952  <1003> <1004> 13954  <1005> <1006>

The <1007> Sonnenhof Therme is the warmest and most productive sulphurous thermal spring in Baden-Württemberg, with more than one million bathers per year..
Particularly interesting for motorhome drivers, as there is a beautiful parking space directly at the spa..


* Bächtlefest, two weeks before the summer holidays, with a big procession, music, dance, school competitions, historical market

* Fasnet - Bad Saulgau is a foolish stronghold, especially initiated by the Dorau - guild
Saulgau 1355, recognizable during the foolish days at the cry ´Doraus, detnaus - at d´r alta Lenda naus´..
The character ´Dorausschreier´ begs for donations in a bottomless «!?» Basket attached to long poles..
Riedhutzel, Blumennärrle, Pelzteufel, Spitzmäuler, Zennemacher and Büttel are still fools..

The golf course in Bad Saulgau-Wilfertsweiler could also be interesting for the visitor.. The club has an 18-hole course with a water obstacle and several biotopes..
Bad Saulgau has a considerable number of local and specialty restaurants..
Every year at the Gombiga Donnschtig «Weiberfastnacht» the traditional ´Sauschwanzessen´ takes place.. In the restaurants on this evening boiled sucking tails are offered, in addition there is bread..

There is always something going on at the weekends for gliders and paratroopers on the airfield north-east of Bad Saulgau..

~fritz14~fritz14~womo66~, 2015-12-03

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