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deitesfrnlse Cordoba

  Cordoba belongs to the cultural heritage of humanity, which is why the city is an absolutely recommended destination.. <9> In the 10th century, it was the capital of the western Islamic world.. Her greatness was so great that she even competed with faraway Baghdad for power and wealth.. <9> In the city on the banks of the Guadalquivir, the Cathedral stands out in front of all other buildings.. The mosque´s cathedral has a size of 23,000 square meters, making it the third largest mosque in the world.. <9> <9> <1001> <9> <9> Cordoba has many stately homes with beautiful patios.. The city has made art from the decoration of these courtyards.. <9> Cordoba has wide avenues, such as the Victoria, Ronda de Tejares and Gran Capitan, in which the life of the city pulsates.

~~halifax7~, 2013-12-28

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