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deitesfrnlse Alhambra

  The Alhambra is a complex of palaces, fortifications and royal chambers.. Its construction began in the middle of the 13th century.. For around 250 years, the Nasrid kings resided on the Alhambra.. Boabdil, the last Muslim king, surrendered them without a fight after the Christian conquest by Isabella and Ferdinand..

1324179  1324183  1324190 

The complex is divided into the former public administration area, the Palacio de Comares, and the private area, the Palacio de Go on Leones.. The Palace of Charles V «built in 1529» houses the Museum of the Alhambra and the Fine Arts.. Generalife, the garden of the royal residence, is particularly noteworthy.. As there is only one particular contingent of tickets, it is advisable to book them in advance.. On the Internet at www.. Alhambra-tickets.. it or in any branch of La Caixa..

1324181  1324182  1324191 

halifax7, 2012-02-02

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