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deitesfrnlse TRAVEL BUS Tour Tuscany

  The Tuscany , one of the most popular holiday destinations of many sun-hungry Central and Northern Europeans, for many THE synonym for enjoyable, eventful Italy.. Coveted by gourmets, culture lovers and nature freaks, the region impresses with its diversity..

The tour starts and ends in the most famous city in Tuscany, Florence..

In between are exciting and relaxing destinations, both in the graceful interior and on the coast..

Whether you´re into Chianti on a journey on the Chianti road, whether you want to walk in the footsteps of old masters like Michelangelo in Florence or take a dip in the sea on the beautiful beaches of Grosseto Tuscany offers something for everyone..

The Tuscan Kitchen

Although Tuscany, thanks to some of the VIPs who loved to settle there, has gained a little reputation as a gourmand, this is their kitchen but very down to earth and due to peasant traditions.. From this one can already deduce that mainly inexpensive, always available ingredients were used.
Great value is placed on the freshest ingredients in the best quality.. So even simple stews and soups taste extremely delicious.. «eg the well-known ribollita, a strong bean soup»

The cuisine is very heavy with olive oil, prefers meat in every form, everything that the soil gives off to vegetables and herbs..
Fish is mainly offered on the coast, the dominant cheese is pecorino, a sheep´s cheese..
Definitely on the table comes the white, unsalted bread..

The Chianti winegrowing area produces excellent wines; look for the sign of the Gallo nero «black rooster» as you drive through the area. Many winemakers offer tasting and buying opportunities on their farms..

Tuscan art and history

is best explored in the famous cities of the region: Florence, Pisa, Lucca, Siena, San Gimignano, Pienza etc, which is also described in the course of the MeinWomoReisebuchs course..
Whether museums, studios, outdoor statues, cathedrals and simple churches, ancient tombs, here every art lover gets his money´s worth..

Even the motorhome traveler has no problem finding a suitable place to sleep.. On the contrary, you are more spoiled for choice, because almost every village has its own RV park and also for the campsite lovers is well taken care of..

Whether it´s hustle and bustle on the coast or silence in the interior, culture in Florence or Siena or pure nature in wildlife parks like Alberello, Tuscany leaves nothing to be desired!

~fritz14~womo~fritz~womo66~, 2015-12-14

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