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deitesfrnlse Acheron

  The Acheron, also called Mavropotamos (= Black River) is a 58km long river that attracts many visitors in Glyki.. Also commonly called Glyki as the source of Acheron, but this is not true.. (There are, however, several cold springs, all of which flow into the Acheron, but it is not its origin.) <9> <9> In fact, there are 2 sources: <9> the western arm, which springs from Ori Soulio and goes south to the village of Polystafylo <9> the other is the eastern arm, which rises in the mountains of Tomaros, where you can also find the sacred site of Dodoni.. <9> These two source rivers unite to form the river Acheron in Polystafylo.. In the further course of the Acheron flows to Trikastor and swings there in the north-northwest direction in the so-called Acheron Valley or Acheronschlucht.. <9> The ravine begins at the Serzian Abbey and ends at the rock bridge of Tzavelena with the Acheron Falls <9> <9> In the flowing section to Glyki on both sides of the river on the banks of the so-called springs of the Acheron.. These sources are ice-cold freshwater springs in and along the riverbed, which seemed to originate directly from the underworld for the ancient Greeks.. <9> <9> In the hot Greek summer, these cold water springs are a much sought-after beach destination for Greeks and tourists. <9> <9> Continuing towards the coast, the river wanders the oracle of Mesopotamos before flowing into the sea at Ammoudia.. <9> <9> Historical or Mythical <9> <9> In the Greek saga, the Acheron is one of the five underworld rivers into which the other 4 rivers of the underworld flow.. <9> Next to the Styx, it is the river over which the ferryman Charon brings the dead to Hades.. <9> <9> Life at and in the River <9> <9> At and in the Acheron there is a rich fauna.. Fish, turtles, beaver and otter, as well as kingfishers feel at ease here.. <9> The Vidra, a species of beaver that lives in clean waters, lives on the banks or in its plant protection.. There are also nests of griffons and birds of prey such as vultures and eagles.. <9> On the rather inaccessible and densely forested slopes of the Acheron Gorge, wolves and wild boars find shelter and food, as well as foxes, badgers, terrestrials, skunk and wild cats <9> <9> <9> <9> <9> <9>

~fritz14~fritz~womo66~, 2015-12-01

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