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deitesfrnlse Krutyn

  Krutyn «Kruttinen»

The village was founded in the early 16th century as a hunters´ settlement.. Here stands a former hunting lodge of the Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights.. Preserved are still several wooden farmhouses from the 19th century.. Until the Second World War Krutyn was a well-known resort..

Through the town flows the most beautiful and therefore most frequented river, the Kruttina.. Tourists are stacked on boats along the upper part.. Canoeists can also reach the more beautiful and lonely part..

The Krutynia River rises at Warpuny, runs through the Johannesburg Heath to Mokre Lake, continues through the Masurian Landscape Reserve and joins Lake Beldany at Iznota.. The crystal-clear water and the Landschft invite to a paddle boat tour..

1621801  1621802 

In the fish restaurant ´Krutyninka´ you will not get tasty fish dishes at Polish prices..

Tablecloths, stoneware and carvings etc. are offered at the market stalls

~udre~udre~, 2014-12-20

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