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deitesfrnlse Pisz

  Pisz (Johannisburg) <9> <9> is located in the Puczza Pisca (Johannesburg Heath), which is the largest forest area in Poland with 1000 square kilometers.. It is called ´The Gate of Masuria´ because south of here begins the ´Masurian Lake District´.. <9> <9> <9> History <9> <9> In 1345 the order castle ´Johannpurgk´ was built around which the town developed.. <9> Initially, fishermen settled at the crusader castle, which became the seat of the prince starostei in 1525.. <9> In 1645, the city received the city rights.. <9> In 1698 the Polish rights to Prince Prussia expired.. <9> Only 1,200 inhabitants survived the great epidemic in the 18th century. <9> <9> Attractions <9> <9> Market Square (DaszyÅ„skiplatz) <9> with several 19th century town houses became a park with lime trees and flowers transformed.. <9> <9> Town Hall <9> in neo-Gothic style, well preserved and renovated, decorated with arches with pointed arched windows, shades and bricks.. Today the historical local museum is located in the rooms.. Exhibited are many prepared animals Masurens.. <9> <9> The parish church of John the Baptist <9> was built in 1841 as a half-timbered building.. Special features are the decorated pulpit and the gilded altar.. <9> <9> Steinbabe , <9> valuable sight of Johannisburg.. It is located on the green area at the bastion.. It is a rosy stone, height of almost 0.5 m, with the drawing of a face of an ancient Prussian god.. <9> <9> <9> For more information, visit wikipedia <1001> Link} <9> <9> <9>

~udre~udre~, 2016-05-15

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