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deitesfrnlse Wojnowo

  The village Wojnowo, formerly Eckertsdorf, is located northeast of the Drusensee on the edge of the Johannisburg Heath..

Eckertsdorf was one of the eleven settlements of the Russian Orthodox sect of Old Believers..

The Orthodox Church, built around 1840, is famous.. It is a timber construction.. Due to its Russian architectural style, it differs greatly from the East Prussian church buildings..

On the banks of the Drusensee is the former nunnery.. It was founded in 1847 and consists of a church and the old houses on the lake shore.. Near the church is an orthodox cemetery with typical wooden crosses.. In the summer of 2008 volunteers from Germany and Poland rehabilitated this cemetery.. The 17 km long circular walk from the monastery to the Old Believers was created at that time.

~udre~rudi-beate~, 2011-11-22

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