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deitesfrnlse Jaskowo / Jäskendorf

  Sieghard von Schwarzburg gave the village in 1308 the ´Handfeste´.. Lokator was a Heinrich Bartmann..

From 1660 to 1747 the estate was owned by the Köhne family of Jaski, then for a short time to the von Korff family..
In 1791, the family Finck von Finckenstein became owners by way of inheritance, who resided here until 1945.. At that time the lands still covered about 2000 ha. They reached as far as the Bärtingsee, where there were still corners of impressive wildness..

Georg Finck von Finckenstein, Mayor of Mohrungen, and Andreas Köhne of Jaski founded the Society for Physics and Economics.. She later had her seat in Königsberg..

On a hill above the northern tip of Jäskendorfer See (Jez. Jaskowskie) rises the stately Baroque manor house from 1721. In 1776 it was redesigned.. In the 19th century, after a fire, the original external condition was largely restored.. The interiors were designed classicist.. The stylistically harmonious with the main house side wing was also added in the 19th century.. The coat of arms of Count Finck von Finckenstein can still be recognized in the gable..
The stucco ceilings, ceiling paintings and fireplaces have survived in the salon and dining room..
After World War II, it served the Polish Ministry of Defense as a rest home.. Since then, a painted Panneau is in his possession..
Then it became part of the stud in Plekity - Plenkitten..
Today it is privately owned..

The church, a simple hall building from 1769/70 with a tower from 1805.
Altar and pulpit date from about 1730. In 1770 they were joined together to the pulpit altar, after 1945 again separated..

A double lime tree avenue leads from the church to the cemetery outside the village..

Around 1800, in the neo-classical style, the building of the former jug ​​was built..

~udre~rudi-beate~, 2011-11-21

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