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deitesfrnlse Gdansk / Danzig

  Gdansk is one of the oldest cities in Poland.. The city has more than 750,000 inhabitants..


1224, the Pomeranian Duke Swantopolk II grants the Lübische right to the German merchant settlement..
In 1295, the Polish king Przemylaw II granted the Magdeburg law..
At the beginning of the 13th century, the Teutonic Order took over the city and relocated its headquarters to the monastic castle of Marienburg..

Gdansk at the time consisted of five parts:
- Ordensburg
- Hakelwerk «first city with Magdeburg law, probably until the end of the 14th century»
- Rechtsstadt «since 1343» - strongest the cities of Danzig, since 1361 - full member of the Hanseatic League;. with two additional parts: - storage island and - Old Suburb
- Old Town «since 1370» - mostly city of artisans
- New Town «´Young City of Gdansk´, 1380-1455» - founded by the Order against the legal city, after The uprising of the citizens of the legal city of 1454 totally destroyed..
The immigration of Germans increased significantly..
1343 the Order gives the city Kulmer law..
1361, the city becomes a member of the Hanseatic League and remains so until 1669.
1793 Gdansk comes to the Kingdom of Prussia and loses its autonomous status <19> In 1919, established by the Treaty of Versailles, Danzig becomes an independent state..
Further information: <1001> Link}

The Tricity metropolis «TrÃ?jmiasto» is being built from the cities of Gdynia, Sopot and GdaÅ„sk..
A visit to Poland without visiting Gdansk is hard to imagine..
The city is rich in cultural and architectural relics..

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National Museum , Muzeum Narodowe, ul. Toruńska 1

Important Exhibits sin
´The Last Judgment´ by Hans Memling..
The extensive collection of great works by Anton Möller, the ´painter of Danzig´..

1350, first mention of the ´curia regis Artusi´, a meeting place of wealthy merchants and nobles.. <13> 1380, a stone construction is erected, it burns down in 1476..
In 1478 the new larger Artushof in the style of late Gothic originates.. Only the northern facade was preserved..


Directly in front of it is the Neptune Fountain , created in 1633, Fantana Neptuna
Abraham van den Blocke was commissioned to build it, after his Tad his pupil Wilhelm richter led the building over..

It was built around 1880 by merchant and councilor Johann Uphagen.. He stipulated that all later owners would receive the construction in the old form.. This is still held today.. The museum in it today testifies to the splendor of Gdansk with furniture from the 18th century and colorful wallpaper with bird patterns in the dining room..

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Polish Maritime Museum
The museum displays everything related to the history of seafaring, shipbuilding and fishing.. It also shows the history of Polish shipping and its place in the Polish economy..

Built in the 15th century, it is one of Gdansk´s landmarks.. At that time it was one of the largest lifting equipment in Europe.. It was able to lift 4 t by up to 4 m and was driven by people in wheels..
Today it is part of the Polish Maritime Museum..

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Langgasse and Long Market
Called the Royal Tract.. The wealthy merchants have richly decorated the buildings with allegorical figures and other decorative elements.. Here you will also find the Town Hall and the Artus Court.. Here you get an insight into the golden age of Danzig..

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St. Mary´s Church , Kości�ł Mariacki, Frauengasse

1343 Start of construction, 1502 Completion of the largest brick church in Europe..
Medieval and Baroque works of art such as
The ´Pietà in Stein´ from 1410
A copy of the triptych ´The Last Judgment´ by Hans Memling
The Astronomical Clock by Hans Düringer from the 15th century. Jh

From the 69 m high main tower you have a wonderful view over Gdansk..

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Brigitten church, Kości�ł św.. Brygidy, ul. Profesorska 2

Worth seeing is the 12m high amber altar.. In the 80s, it was the office of Solidarność..

Built between 1227 and 1239, the oldest church in Gdańsk, donated by the princes of Pomerania..
From 155 to 1945 the church was Protestant..
In 1990, a new carillon with 49 bells and a weight of 15 t was installed..
Paintings by Anton Möller and Isaac van den Blocke
Baroque Epitaph
The gravestone of the world famous Gdańsk astronomer Johannes Hevilus..

Wrzeszcz «Longwarder»
has retained its atmosphere from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.. You will find simple row house settlements and villas in Viennese secession style..

Lighthouses On the Ostsse in front of Gdansk there is the lighthouse Roxewie, Hel and Krynica Morska..

~rudi-beate~udre~, 2014-12-26

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