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deitesfrnlse Olecko

  The city is located on Jezioro Olecko Wielkie.. Great Oletzko Lake, from 1928 to 1945 Great Treuburger See

Duke Albrecht of Brandenburg-Ansbach founded the city of Marggrabowo / Olecko in 1560..
Margrabia, the German loan word in Polish, means margrave..
As early as 1544, a hunting lodge called Oletzko was said to have existed here.. 1619 was built on the peninsula between Lake Lega and Oletzko Castle.. out of 1,100 inhabitants only about 100 survived the plague epidemic of 1709.

Worth seeing:
The city´s marketplace, about seven hectares in size.. Before 1945, he was the largest marketplace in Germany..
The church of the city stands on a tree-covered hill in the northern part.. It used to be Protestant-Lutheran, today Catholic.. After the destruction in 1945, it was rebuilt around 1980 in the old dimension..

~udre~rudi-beate~, 2011-11-21

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