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deitesfrnlse Muenster

  No matter where the route leads you through Münster: Westphalian idyll and urban life have formed a perfect symbiosis.. <9> <9> At every turn you experience these worlds almost always simultaneously.. It is probably this mixture that provides the great quality of life.. <9> <9> The interplay of old traditions and a youthful swing characterizes the lifestyle as well as the balance of medieval gabled houses and avant-garde architecture or the juxtaposition of Altbierschänke and trend location.. <9> <9> The coexistence of the worlds between Pumpernickel and Prinzipalmarkt, research and technology, Westphalian stubbornness and student openness has become a dynamic process of mutual inspiration.. <9> <9> Münster is a liveable city - not for nothing is the saying Lieber unemployed circulating in Münster as a teacher in Castrop-Rauxel.. <9> <9> In Münster there are almost twice as many bicycles as inhabitants, namely 500,000. From the student to the head of the company, from green police chief to mayor - more than a hundred thousand people in Münster swing daily to the leeze, as the bike is called in the old Masematte language.. <9> <9> Places worth visiting such as Dom, Prinzipalmarkt, Lambertikirche are deposited as POIs in the portal.. Owners of a smartphone can navigate from POI to POI locally via PoiWalk.. They each see their point of view and the nearest deposited POI.

hwemmert, 2011-11-11

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