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deitesfrnlse Parco Regionale del Delta del Po

  The park was established in 1988 to protect the Po Delta, with its ecologically important wetlands, the coastal region, the Valli di Comacchio, the pine forests of Ravenna and the salt pans of Cervia.. Its area covers about 54,000 hectares..

Close to three hundred species of birds, deer, porcupines, skunks, otters, turtles and frogs find here an ideal habitat..

The Regional Park can be explored on foot, by bike or by boat.. Horse riding on Camargue horses, guided tours and birdwatching complete the offer..
1213841  1213873  1215244 

The Valli di Comacchio, with its 40,000 hectares of lagoons, water management facilities and varied flora and fauna, is the best place for you to enjoy organized boat tours are explored.. The visitor centers help with bookings, information and brochures are available here..

Comacchio Lagoons Visitor Center
Via Mazzini, 200 - 44022 Comacchio - Ferrara
Tel.. 0533 81159 - 314003

In addition to the wonderful nature, there are also some cultural and historical sights:
Abbazia di Pomposa - 6th-century convent
* Castello di Mesola - Este´s summer residence
* ancient sites of Spina - Etruscan city «6000 BC»
* Comacchio - the bridge Trepponti, the old town and the canals

18886  18885  <994 / 1419584>

~~halifax7~, 2013-12-13

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