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deitesfrnlse Killarney National Park

  The Killarney National Park, with a size of over 60 km˛ is located just southwest of the town of Killarney.. Through 2 entrances you can get into the park from Killarny.. This entrance is only suitable for pedestrians.. Who is traveling by car passes through the N71 through the National Park automatically.. It includes the three picturesque lakes of Lough Leane, Muckross Lake and Upper Lake.. They already cover a third of the entire park area.. ,. Very old forests of oaks, yews, mosses, lichens and ferns characterize the beautiful Killarney National Park.. So he was even charged as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.. The Gulf Stream also affects the temperature in this part of Ireland and many flowering plants from the Mediterranean can thrive wonderfully.. The park invites to hiking and cycling tours.. Numerous hiking tours as well as real mountaineering tours can be undertaken in the national park..

https: // www.. killarneynationalpark.. ie /

vivagabi, 2012-01-15

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