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deitesfrnlse Good to know / Brittany

  When somebody makes a journey.. ,. ,. ,. then he should be a little prepared.. <9> In order to facilitate this, we have collected some useful tips, information and contacts! <9> <9> Useful telephone numbers <9> <9> If you want to call France (from Germany) dial 0033 <9 as the area code > Who wants to make calls to Germany (from France) dials as area code 0049 <9> Switzerland has the area code 0041, Austria 0043 <9> Phone cards for mobile phones are available in souvenir shops, in the branches of the post office and in tobacconists.. <9> Télécartes for 50 or 120 cell phone booths are also available at petrol stations or tobacconists <9> <9> <121> Emergency <122> <9> <9> * Fire Department, Emergency Medical: Tel. 18 or Tel. 112 ( European emergency call) <9> * Emergency services Tel. 15 <9> * Police / Gendarmeri Tel. 17 <9> * Distress: Tel. 1616 (by mobile) <9> <9> Banks and money <9> <9> Visa , Mastercard and American Express credit cards are usually accepted without any problem.. <9> Banking hours are usually Mondays to Fridays from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 16:00.. ATMs now have the necessary precautions everywhere (cover the secret code, watch out for hidden cameras) <9> <9> All about health <9> <9> In case of accident or illness, the E111 is required, the EU foreign health certificate gets at home with his health insurance.. <9> It is best to get informed about the respective services covered by your own health insurance abroad.. <9> Private insured should also inform themselves about the procedure.. In general, one enters in advance and settles in the home country with the private funds.. <9> Pharmacies are called Pharmacie and are marked by a green cross.. <9> You usually have weekdays and Saturdays from 09. 00-13.. 00 and 14. 00-18.. 30 open.. Locally it can come to deviations.. Emergency service pharmacies call themselves ´pharmacie de garde´.. <9> Tourists in need of long-term medication should carry enough medication! <9> <9> And what about the fur nose?. <9> <9> The Womo crew´s four-legged friend must meet some criteria, as the <1001> French Embassy} clarifies online: <9> * exact identification (tattoo or microchip) <9> * valid rabies vaccination (first vaccination Import only 21 days after first vaccination possible - Refreshment up to 1 year after the last vaccination or longer depending on the vaccine, must be stated on the vaccination certificate); there are no exceptions to the vaccine requirement, even in young or newly born animals.. <9> * European passport (in accordance with EC Decision No. 2003/803) completed by a veterinarian.. He must confirm the identification and valid vaccination.. <9> Category I dogs after classification as a breed dog breed may NOT be imported into France.. <9> Category II dogs may enter if the dog is registered in a register approved by the International Dog Kennel Association ( <9> For Rottweiler there is muzzle and leash duty, for mastiffs it is recommended to wear a muzzle.. <9> Owners of dogs that may fall under the barriers should inform themselves well in advance and possibly refrain from entry.. Current information on the above mentioned page of franz.. Embassy.. <9> <9> Want some traffic rules in French?. <9> | <9> | Aire de |. Rest area of ​​| <9> | BIS |. Branch Line / Alternative Route | <9> | Ralentir |. drive slowly!. | <9> | Rappel |. Reminder, Reminder | <9> | Sortie |. Exit | <9> | Toutes Directions |. all directions | <9> | Center Ville |. Town center | <9> | Déviation |. Redirect | <9> | Passage interdit |. Transit prohibited | <9> | Travaux |. Construction site | <9> | Chaussée déformée |. bad road surface | <9> | Interdiction de stationner |. keep / park prohibited | <9> | <9> <9> tip <9> <9> Anyone who was satisfied with a performance should be happy to show it to the service provider.. Reasonable for taxi and restaurants up to 10% of the invoice amount.. As with the southern European neighbors, France´s waiters also set the table, not the individuals.. One is rather unpleasant, if one insists on single billing.. <9> <9> How does that work with the electricity?. <9> <9> The AC voltage is 220 volts, 50 Hz. It is recommended to bring an adapter with you <9> <9> Post <9> <9> The French post office is usually open Mondays-Fridays from 8-19h and Saturdays from 8-12h open.. You get stamps as well as the already mentioned phone cards in tobacconists.. Mailboxes are yellow, it takes about 3 days to send a letter. <9> <9> Opening Hours <9> <9> Larger stores are usually open from Monday to Saturday from 9:30 to 19:00.. <9> Smaller businesses variable from 07. 00 to 19. 00/20.. 00/21.. 00 o´clock.. These shops will be closed for 2 hours at lunchtime.. <9> <9> Holidays <9> <9> * 1st January: New Year <9> Easter Monday <9> * 1st May: Labor Day <9> * 8th May: End of World War II <9> * 14th July: National Holiday <9> * 15th August: Assumption of the Virgin Mary <9> * 1st November: All Saints Day <9> * 11th November: Armistice 1918 <9> * 25/26.. December: Christmas <9> <9> Internet and co <9> <9> For the French, the Internet is no problem, for the tourists it is a little more difficult, since the purchase of a simcard usually requires a French address (. where campsites also have addresses.) <9> But if you do not want to buy your own card (eg Orange. fr) you can use public or commercial WLANs.. <9> For example, MacDonalds offers wireless access everywhere, as many hotels, restaurants and campsites anyway <9> Just ask for access to the wlan hotspot.. ,. ,. WIFI <9> <9> Souvenirs <9> <9> What to bring with you? <9> Culinary souvenirs such as Rennes chocolates, Pont L´Abbé butter cookies, Morlaix ham or Cider on.. Not to mention totally delicious fish producers, which are a specialty in many port cities.. <9> Anyone who likes glass and ceramics will be happy in Locronan, the faience fan will love Quimper <9> <9> And now: Bon voyage! <9>

~womo66~fritz14~womo66~, 2015-12-10

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