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deitesfrnlse Kristianstad

  King Christian IV of Denmark founded the city around 1614;. Swedish troops under Gustav II Adolf had burnt down the city of Vä.. The city had great significance as a border town to Sweden..
Kristianstad became Swedish by the Peace of Roskilde..

Today about 35,000 people live in the city..


Holy Trinity Church / Heliga trefaldighetskyrkan, Västra Storgatan

Market Square, Christian IVs gata

1705964  1705965 

With the Ikarus Fountain

1705966  1705968 


Distributed in the Västra - and Östra-Storgatan stand these sculptures

1705970  1705973  1705974 
cameraman, Koren, Lena

The Fountain and the Turtles are in the square between
Gardells- and Döbelnsgatan

1705971  1705972  1705975 

~udre~udre~, 2013-03-29

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