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deitesfrnlse Burano

  The archipelago in the north-eastern part of Laguna Veneta consists of four islands connected by 8 bridges..
The island is known for the lace made since the 16th century using the ´Reticella´ needlepoint technique..

Worth seeing:

The Museo del Merletto, Piazza Galuppi
displays the real ´Burano lace´
Achtun The souvenir shops often sell lace produced in China..

The Church of San Martino, Piazza Galuppi
with the leaning Campanile..

20049  20050  20051 

Monument to the Italian composer Baldassare Galuppi, Piazza Baldassare Galuppi
, born in Burano..


The streets with the colorful houses..

20028  20029 

<1001> Burano online information

~~udre~, 2014-04-09

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