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deitesfrnlse Castelfranco Veneto

  The wall surrounding the old town is up to 17m high.. It is the birthplace of the painter Giorgione.. One of his paintings hangs in the cathedral, protected by bulletproof glass..


Casa del Giorgione, Piazza San Liberale
displays images of the famous painter..

Palazzo Revedin-Bolasco, Borgo Treviso 55
, 18th century, with large park

In the vicinity

Villa Corner Chiminelli, Sant ´Andrea
from the 16th century. Worth seeing are the frescoes by Benedetto Caliari

Villa Cornaro, Piombino Dese

Villa Emo, Fanzolo di Vedelago
, frescoed in 1560 by Giovanni Battista Zelotti.

~~udre~, 2014-01-19

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