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deitesfrnlse Udine

  The city of more than 100,000 inhabitants is located in the region of Friuli Venezia Giulia.. It is the capital of the province of Udine..
A first mention can be found in 983 in a document of Emperor Otto II. Archaeological finds indicate, however, a much higher age..


Duomo Cattedrale di Santa Maria Annunziata , Via Vetorio Veneta
Built in the period from 1236 to 1461

Loggia del Lionello , Town Hall, Piazza della Liberta
built around 1448 in the style of Venetian Gothic..

The Palace Complex, Via Sottomonte
with the Gallery of Ancient Art,
the Archaeological Museum,
the Gallery of Designs and Prints,
the Friulian Museum of Photography..

The Contemporary Art Gallery
presents the works of young artists in its contemporary art collection
Palazzo Valvason Morpurgo , Via Savorgnana 12
houses the archives of architecture and art Design..

Piazza Giacomo Matteotti
Piazza della Liberta

The Chapel of the Chapel of Manin
Visit only on weekdays by appointment

The Diocesan Museum and Cathedral Museum , Viale Ungheria
with exhibitions of sacred works of art

<1001> Online info on Wikipedia}

~~udre~, 2014-11-21

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