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deitesfrnlse Dinant

  <1001> <9> <9> In the Walloon Maastal lies the idyllic town of Dinant (about 13 600 inhabitants).. Already mentioned as a Roman settlement, Dinant reached great importance only in the 12th century.. It is thanks to the presence of Galmei nearby that the city has established itself as the center of brass production.. <9> A dark piece of history was the massacre of Dinant. In 1914, German troops killed 674 civilians.. <9> The city´s most important son is Adolphe Sax, the inventor of the saxophone, who was born here in 1814.. In his honor, jazz events take place in the summer months.. <9> <9> <994/1794393> <994/1794394> <994/1794395> <9> <9> Attractions: <9> <9> • Citadelle, Chemin de la Citadelle, Apr. -Sept.. 10. 00-18.. 00 o´clock, Oct.-March except Friday 10.00 - 17. 00 o´clock;. Cable car only during the holidays daily otherwise Sat./Sun.. <9> • Notre Dame collegiate church, Place Reine Astrid, <9> • La Merveilleuse stalactite cave, Rue de Philippeville 142;. <9> • Adolphe Sax Museum, Rue Sax 37;. <9> <9>

~halifax7~halifax7~, 2014-09-23

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