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deitesfrnlse Diekirch

 The carton and district capital Diekirch lies on the Sauer and has 6650 inhabitants. <9> <9> The symbol of the city is the donkey, which used to be indispensable for the farmers as a livestock and pack animal to work their steep fields and vineyards. In the pedestrian zone, which incidentally was the first in Luxembourg, you will find the donkey fountain, from which beer gushes on special occasions. On a tour of the pretty town you will come across donkeys again and again, even at the church tower. <9><9><1001><9> <9> In the 1960s, the remains of a Roman settlement were discovered during excavations. Mosaics and a Roman villa came to light and even the Laurentiuskirche was built on Roman foundations. <9> <9> Sights:<9> <9> • National Military History Museum, Bamertal 10 <9> • Laurentiuskirche, Rue Saint Nicolas, open 10 am-12pm and 2 pm-6pm 10. 00-18. 00:00 <9> • Museum of Historic Vehicles, rue de Stavelot 20-22, open Tuesday to Sunday, 10 am to 6:00 pm <9> • Historical Brewing Museum, rue de Stavelot 20-22, open Tuesday to Sunday, 10 am .00 am to 6.00 pm <9> • Deiwelselter (devil´s altar), Op der Schlaed; the oldest monument in the city is not an altar but a megalitic grave from the 2nd century BC. A 7 m high archway was built from its remains in 1892. <9> <9> <994/1795383> <994/1795384><994/1795390> <9>

~halifax7~halifax7~, 2014-10-20

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