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Over 15 years of experience and quality
by camper drivers for camper drivers

deitesfrnlse coordinate input

  N / S: A north or south value is expected
E / W: An east or west value is expected

Coordinates are taken in the following formats:

+ A» degrees and minutes and seconds = 49 ° 45´35
+ B» degrees and minutes and seconds «fast entry» = 49-45-35
+ C» Degrees and minutes with decimal decimal places 40 ° 45.. 5895
+ D» degrees with decimal decimal places with.. : 49. 56789
+ E» Degrees with decimal decimal places with,: 49,56789

It can be preceded by NES or W «but MUST NOT!»
By default the 1st value is always North «N»
and the 2nd value is always East «E»
instead of S «which may not occur here» or W «eg France, Portugal, Great Britain, Ireland» you enter the coordinate negative, so z.. B:
-3.. 14567 is the same as W3.. 14567

Our software converts all these formats internally stored

Further info

~womo66~fritz14~palstek~debrequ~wr~adier~, 2021-11-22

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listed in the mobile home parking space database of meinwomo