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deitesfrnlse The road system in Iceland

  The Icelandic road system knows four different road types with different numbering. The ring road with number 1 leads around the island.. It is very well developed and asphalted except for a few places in the south of the island..
Two-digit streets are main streets that connect larger locations.. They are mostly paved too.. The sections on gravel range from a very good condition, with only a few potholes and which enable rapid progress to pothole slopes that force slow driving..
Three-digit streets are subordinate streets.. If they lead to important points, including tourist highlights, these are now mostly paved.. The same applies to the gravel passages as to the two-digit roads, with the restriction that less is invested in maintaining them..
Basically, these three types of road are easy to drive with a conventional camper.. However, on the gravel sections you have to accept that the WoMo is covered with a thick layer of mud when it rains..
The fourth road category is the slopes that lead to the highlands or to very remote places.. They are marked with an ´F´ in front of the actual street number.. These slopes may only be used with off-road vehicles (4x4), as they can be very muddy (depending on the weather).. In addition, there are no bridges over streams and rivers, so you have to keep foraging.. The slopes are not always passable.. They are released by the Icelandic authorities in spring (usually from June when the snow has melted) and, depending on the weather, closed again in September..
The following applies to all roads:
They are not as wide as we are used to
The asphalt is very rough.. Therefore, the tire noise while driving is much louder..
Bridges over many streams and rivers have only one lane..
Gravel roads are usually even narrower than paved roads..
Roads that meet our standards are almost only in the area of ​​the capital, Reykjavik.

va1976, 2017-09-19

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