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FORUM 366684
Neues,Vorstellung von Weiterentwicklungen
2023-02-28 | devra
Tester gesucht für neue parallele App
Hello Fritz,
I do not know how good your English is. If you can understand written English it would make it easier for me, because it takes me some time to translate everything into German. I have no problems in reading German.
If it is a problem for you, I can continue to translate everything.

1. Installiere dir bite mal die maps33.apk neu, da war seit gestern ein kleiner Fehler drin.
I installed version 115 on both devices.

Android 12 :

No change.
The "Kamera" button correctly opens the system camera and I can take a photo.
The "Kamerabilder" button shows no response at all. Nothing happens. No message, and no reaction.

Android 13:

Something changed here.
The "Kamerabilder" button opens a new window with the following text:

Es werden hier nur die Bilder gezeigt, die direkt hier mit {Kamera} aufgenommen wurden.
Neue Kamerabilder

The rest of the window is empty. This is understandable because I have not yet managed to take a photo from within the App.

As before, the "Kamera" button shows no response at all.
I saved the log file logg.txt before and after attempting to use the camera.
Nothing at all was written to the log file, due to pressing the camera button.
The only things written to the log were due to opening the Info for the SP.

Alternativ installiere dir mal eine KameraApp. Ich nutze meist die Openkamera «hellblaues Symbol» oder die HD-Kamera einer englischen Firma simple design, erreichbar im Playstore unter ·xcamera simple·

On the Pixel phone with Android 13 I only had the standard system camera App.
I installed both the Open Camera and the XCamera Apps.
Neither made any difference, and nothing new was written to the log file.

Hier sieht es leider so aus als ob das am Gerät liegt, denn ich mache nur den geschriebenen INtent und dann muss Android entweder die standardmässig eingestelle Kamera verwenden oder nach der zu nutzenden KameraApp fragen. Hast du mehrere drauf und eine fest eingestellt oder nur die Systemkamera ?

This is possible, but this is a Google Pixel phone.
That means it is actually a reference system with a pure Android 13 OS.
Any App that doesn´t run on a Pixel but does run on another device is probably non-standard.

Viele Grüsse, Ray
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