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FORUM 366684
Neues,Vorstellung von Weiterentwicklungen
2023-03-03 | devra
Tester gesucht für neue parallele App
Hello Fritz

War es in beiden Fällen das gleiche Photo ?
Wenn das foto ankommt werden doch darunter die Koordinaten vom exif angezeigt. Sind die in beiden Fällen gleich ?

I have just repeated the test with the same photo.
I used a photo which I had taken with the Android 13 Pixel and copied that to the Android 12 tablet.
Using a photo viewer, I noted the Exif coordinate data.
Both the Pixel and Tablet were online and was closed (not running).
I then shared this photo to

Android 12 : Works correctly
- The App is started and for a short time before the image window opens, I see the map at level 12, with my location correctly shown.
- Even with the image window open, around the edges I can see the map at level 12.
- Underneath the image window is the "ONLINE" notification.
- The values for KNS and KEW are both zero
This maybe due to transferring the picture.
Also, the device does not have GPS, so photos taken with the tablet also show zero coordinate data.
- If I press the "In Stellplatz/Poi" button the map is shown correctly at Zoom 12 and I can proceed to send the photo.

Android 13 : Does NOT work correctly
- The App is started and for a short time before the image window opens, I see the map at level 12, with my location correctly shown.
- Even with the image window open, around the edges I can see the map at level 12.
- Underneath the image window is the "ONLINE" notification.
- The values for KNS is correct
- The value for KEW is wrong. My longitude is -0.2133 «West» but KEW = +0.2133 «East»
- If I press the "In Stellplatz/Poi" button the map changes to Zoom 17 and the screen is black.
- If I reduce the zoom level by pinching, the position is in the middle of the sea, to the east of my real position. I guess this is due to the sign reversal mentioned above.
- if I manually reposition the center to my correct position, I can send the photo.

Viele Grüsse, Ray
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