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deitesfrnlse Coordinates: latitude

  The latitude φ or B «lat lato, latitude, international abbreviated Lat or LAT» is the latitude or longitude of a location «point» of the Earth´s surface from the equator.. The width can take values ​​from 0 ° «at the equator» to ± 90 ° «at the poles».. Instead of the sign «traditional + north, south» also N or S is allowed..

+ Places with the same width lie on a latitude circle, also called width parallel or parallel circle..
+ In order to identify a point on the surface of the earth - to determine its geographical position - in addition to the width, the indication of its longitude is required.. The definition is due to Claudius Ptolemy..

The latitude is given sexagesimal in degrees, minutes and seconds, one minute equals 60 seconds and one degree equals 60 minutes «as in the time».. Decimal degrees / minutes / seconds indicate decimal places..

There are different methods of representation, eg.. Eg:

+ degrees, decimal minutes: 66 ° 43,2 ´
+ decimal degrees 66,72 °
+ degrees, minutes, seconds: 66 ° 43´ 13 ´
+ Degrees, Minutes, Decimal Seconds: 66 ° 43 ´12,96 ´

One arc of a minute along the equator and along the meridians equals one nautical mile or 1852 meters, while the distance the arc minute on the parallels φ «north or south of the equator» is smaller by the factor cosφ..

If the indication ° N or ° S is omitted, positive values ​​stand for northern latitude and negative for southern latitude..

When specifying location coordinates, the width should always be given first, then only the length ´B before L, as in the alphabet´.. The reason for this convention in the history of the width could be determined quite accurately already centuries before the length..

§§HREF { aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie}

~meinwomo~womo66~fritz14~wr~adier~, 2013-01-07

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