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deitesfrnlse Coordinates: latitude

  The latitude φ or B (lat lato, latitude, international abbreviated Lat or LAT) is the latitude or longitude of a location (point) of the Earth´s surface from the equator.. The width can take values ​​from 0 ° (at the equator) to ± 90 ° (at the poles).. Instead of the sign (traditional + north, south) also N or S is allowed.. <9> <9> + <9> + Places with the same width lie on a latitude circle, also called width parallel or parallel circle.. <9> + In order to identify a point on the surface of the earth - to determine its geographical position - in addition to the width, the indication of its longitude is required.. The definition is due to Claudius Ptolemy.. <9> + <9> <9> The latitude is given sexagesimal in degrees, minutes and seconds, one minute equals 60 seconds and one degree equals 60 minutes (as in the time).. Decimal degrees / minutes / seconds indicate decimal places.. <9> <9> There are different methods of representation, eg.. Eg: <9> <9> + <9> + degrees, decimal minutes: 66 ° 43,2 ´<9> + decimal degrees 66,72 ° <9> + degrees, minutes, seconds: 66 ° 43´ 13 ´< 9> + Degrees, Minutes, Decimal Seconds: 66 ° 43 ´12,96 ´<9> + <9> <9> One arc of a minute along the equator and along the meridians equals one nautical mile or 1852 meters, while the distance the arc minute on the parallels φ (north or south of the equator) is smaller by the factor cosφ.. <9> <9> If the indication ° N or ° S is omitted, positive values ​​stand for northern latitude and negative for southern latitude.. <9> <9> When specifying location coordinates, the width should always be given first, then only the length ´B before L, as in the alphabet´.. The reason for this convention in the history of the width could be determined quite accurately already centuries before the length.. <9> <9> §§HREF <1001> <9>

~meinwomo~womo66~fritz14~wr~adier~, 2013-01-07

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