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deitesfrnlseSpanish Holidays

 Events and Holidays <9> <9> January 1st is New Year´s Day and therefore a holiday. <9> <9> On the afternoon of January 5th, the Epiphany begins with a parade. Only on the Da de los Reyes (January 6th) will the presents take place here. Finally, the traditional festival of the patron saint of animals follows, with animals being blessed in / or in front of the church. <9> <9> <9> At the end of February - during the transition to March - the carnival takes place, which is particularly impressive in C diz and Tenerife. <9> <9> During the Holy Week, Semana Santa, in March and April, processions are held on the streets of Spain. Here you can find the most beautiful in Andalusia. <9> <9> The month of May is the time of the Andalusian Ferias, which were originally cattle markets, but today they are more like annual markets. At the same time, the bullfighting season in Madrid opens. In addition, the largest pilgrimage event in all of Spain takes place at Pentecost on the Costa de la Luz. <9> <9> The Corpus Cristi festival takes place in June. Especially in Toledo this procedure is very impressive with the decorated streets. On the night of June 23, the folk festival of San Juan follows, where the bear rages above all on the beaches. . . <9> <9> <9> Virgen del Carmen, the patron saint of seafarers, has its public holiday on July 16 and is traditionally especially venerated on the Spanish coasts. <9> There are boat corsairs for the fishermen, including a boat in which the saint is sitting. <9> <9> Between the 7th and the 14th of July the driving of the bulls follows in San Fermines, when the bulls are herded through the streets into the bullring. <9> <9> Agust is shaped by the Assumption of the Virgin (August 15th), as for example in Italy (Ferragosto). <9> <9> On October 12th the festival of the Virgen del Pilar takes place, as well as the discovery of America followed by All Saints´ Day on November 1st. <9> <9> The month of December closes the year with Constitution Day, Mary´s conception and Christmas.

carlos, 2008-09-05

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