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deitesfrnlse FAQ for pitches and campsites

  § <1001> back to General FA Q} <9> <9> §Enter <9> <1002> Enter parking space in PoiWalk} <9> <1003> Please describe here in more detail} <9> <1004> Pictures of a parking space send, what should be considered} <9> <9> §Corrections <9> <1005> Can I change a parking space by another user} <9> <1006> Please describe here in more detail} <9> <1007> Can I uninitiated change a pitch report} <9> <1008> Can I change coordinates to my pitch} <9> <1009> Can I change coordinates to any pitch? <9> <1010> Delete wrong pictures at the pitch and at the correct pitch send} <9> <9> §General <9> <1011> how do I link a MeinWomo slot in other pages} <9> <1012> I am the operator of a slot} <9> <1013> Enter coordinates} <9> <1014> Coordinate Geographical Latitude} <9> <1015> Coordinate Geographical Longitude} <9> (geo-coding from place, street) (geocoder) <9>

~meinwomo~womo66~fritz14~wr~adier~, 2018-03-10

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