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deitesfrnlse Heilbad Heiligenstadt

  The Heilbad Heiligenstadt is the county seat of the Eichsfeld district in Thuringia and a recognized brine spa..
In the valley of Leine and Geislede lies the traditional capital of Eichsfeld..
The cityscape is dominated by three Gothic churches..
Worth seeing is
- the literary museum ´Theodor Storm´, on the mountain 2
- the Eichsfelder local history museum and the baroque garden, Kollegiengasse 10
-the fairytale park, in the Leineaue 1.

Heiligenstadt was first mentioned in 973 by Emperor Otto II.. In 1227, Archbishop Siegfried II of Mainz granted the town the city rights.. In the following years, the city experienced a varied and often tragic history.. Twice the city burned down almost completely.. The flames raged in 1333 and 1739, the plague raging in the intervening years.. Several major epidemics cost the lives of many citizens of the city in the 17th century..

In 1802 Heiligenstadt is affiliated to Prussia.. Until 1813 it is under Napoleonic occupation.. The 19th century brings the city upswing and progress.. A cigar and a needle factory arise, the market grows and thrives, and so Heiligenstadt receives in 1867 a rail connection.

debrequ, 2017-11-25

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