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deitesfrnlse Risk of diabetes

  Accident risk for diabetes
Taking countermeasures for low sugar
ADAC advice for affected motorists

According to the German Diabetes Association, seven million people worldwide suffer from diabetes.. Experts estimate that another three million are unaware of their condition.. The ADAC Physicians Collegium has dealt with the accident risks of diabetics and made a number of recommendations..

In addition to acute vision problems, the greatest risk of hypoglycaemia (hypoglycaemia).. This can lead to unconsciousness in the worst case..

Those who suffer from unusually high thirst, weaknesses and blurred vision should urgently have their blood sugar examined.. For drivers who are already insulin-dependent:

* If there is the slightest suspicion of hypoglycaemia, stop as soon as possible and measure the blood sugar..
* In the case of hypoglycaemia, take fast-acting carbohydrates (grape sugar) and later add more slowly (apple, slice of bread)
. * Take longer breaks about every two hours, keep meals and avoid long night driving..
* Do not start immediately after unaccustomed physical effort, but eat something first (apple, slice of bread)..
* Diabetic ID card, blood glucose test strips, insulin, syringes, emergency medications (glucagon) always with you..
* Have the doctor check you regularly, especially the eyes..

Basically, the risk of accidents of diabetics is not higher than that of other road users, provided that the patients are well-adjusted and properly trained.. If there is an accident in which hypoglycaemia is proven as a cause, the person concerned must submit a traffic medicine report that assesses his fitness to drive..

~womo66~fritz14~fritz~, 2007-10-02

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