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deitesfrnlse Trondheim

  Trondheim has 183,000 inhabitants, making it the third largest city in Norway after Oslo and Bergen.. It lies at the mouth of the Nidelva in the North Sea.. Its founding as Nidaros took place around the year 1000..

Worth seeing and visiting sin

Möllenberg district
with numerous old wooden houses in the Nedre Bakklandet..

Torget , Market Place Kongens gate
with the statue of the founder of the city Viking King Olav I Tryggvason

Kristiansten festning , Kristianstenbakken

1121442  1727501 

Ringve Museum , Download all
National Museum of Music and Musical Instruments

Botanical Garden , Download all

Science Center , Vitensenteret, Kongens gate 1
Interactive installations explain modern technology..

Gamle bybroen , Kjopmannsgata
The bridge, built in 1862, connects the old town with the Bakklandet district

Nidaros Cathedral , Bispegata 11

1783349  1783350 
Founded in 1152 as the cathedral of the Norwegian Archdiocese.. A fire in 1531 destroyed large parts, which were restored after 1869..

Erkebispearden , Archbishop´s Palace, Kongsgordsgatan
Dating back to the 12th century, it is considered the oldest secular building in Norway..

Art Museum , Kongsgordsgatan
with mostly Norwegian art objects since the mid-19th century.

Sjofartsmuseum , Maritime Museum, Kjopmannsgate 75

Tyholttårnet TV Tower , Otto Nielsen´s veg
124m high tower with viewing platform and revolving restaurant..

<1001> Trondheim online information}

~udre~udre~, 2015-12-07

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