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deitesfrnlse Important information about installation and use


.. ,. ,. the new SOS7 !!!.

The SOS is independent of the computer and requires a browser with a database function for large databases and Windows can currently only use Firefox and Opera.. The ipad / iphone requires a special third-party app, and Android has its own browser app..

STANDARD for SOS7 is Android 4. 4.!

Installation at:

<195> <196>

<195> <196>

<195> <196>

[Aug.. 2018]
Firefox space issues

IMPORTANT : There is a growing amount of news that the latest versions of FF may limit the database, allowing only small installations are.. We therefore recommend using only ANDROID if possible.. Who wants to try it anyway, should first use only one country and only basic maps to zoom 12 and then, if necessary, slowly expand until he comes to the currently unknown limit.. There is no documentation about the restriction or the available size.. At Opera, it still seems to be 10% of the free space available..
Alternatively, install an old FF version that does not have this limit yet..

[Dec.. 2017]
NEW AndroidApp for SOS7:

IMPORTANT : The MeinWomo app for the SOS requires at least Android 4. 4!. In order to be able to install them, the settings in Android require the installation of unknown sources..

If you have an Android smaller than 4. 4, you can NOT install this new app, because the installation will be blocked with the error message ´Parsing error´ !!!

[Dec.. 2017]
At the moment, it is no longer known that the free version of the Avira antivirus software blocks the SOS installation..

Should a new installation unexpectedly cause problems, deactivate the anti-virus software until after installation!.

[Dec.. 2017]

The Windows installation under Opera has not been known for some time..

If you would like to use an older version of Opera, here is this link:

Older Opera versions

~womo66~debrequ~palstek~wr~adier~fritz14~, 2018-11-12

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