Stahlbrode Germany

Europe´s bigest motorhome-portal
from motorhome drivers for motorhome driver

Stahlbrode, Information and images


    Motorhome place

    NO ()18519 Stahlbrode Reinberg Mecklenburg-W-Pommerania Germany
    Pay for use site 5 Euro
    WMSEN DwcU
    open Januar until Dezember

    Selected parking spaces

    | general parking lot
    Hafen Puddemin
    deutschland 18574 Poseritz Puddemin 1
    Parking strips for 2 mobile homes directly at the newly created port. The street is a dead end. No through traffic. Negotiate the price with the harbor master (2010: 5 euros), then you can also use th. . . FURTHER . . .
    | general parking lot
    Tagesparkplatz Sundhagen
    deutschland 18519 Sundhagen Hof Gronow 39
    A very quiet place to swim and relax with a view of the island of Rügen. Overnight stays are not permitted, the regulatory office controls and punishes.
    Arrival: Coming from Greifswald on the B105 tu. . . FURTHER . . .
    | Parking suitable for campers over 5 m
    deutschland 17493 Greifswald Boddenblick
    Directly behind the bridge on the left side, before the buildings, there is a parking strip without restrictions directly on the water.
    How to get there: Over the bridge to Insel Riems and then on the left side of the road
    | Parking suitable for campers over 5 m
    Parkplatz Stahlbrode 74
    deutschland 18519 Reinberg Stahlbrode 74
    Parking lot provided with a mobile home sign, but only usable from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

    Selected sights

    | Cultural History
    Museumshof Puddemin
    18574 Puddemin Puddemin
    The Museumshof Puddemin is located in Puddemin, Germany, and offers historically and lovingly renovated holiday apartments in the middle of a landscape protection area. The accommodation includes high. . . FURTHER . . .
    | lighthouse
    Leuchtfeuer Maltzien (Rügen)
    18574 Garz
    The Maltzien lighthouse is located on the Zudar peninsula on the island of Rügen in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. It was built in 1934 as a sub-light and is used in a guide light line for navigation . . . FURTHER . . .
    | nature park
    Naturerlebnispark Gristow
    Deutschland 17498 Mesekenhagen
    The nature adventure park is located on the B 105 between Greifswald and Stralsund and extends to the Gristower Wiek. The park offers plenty of space for recreation. Young and old can experience the d. . . FURTHER . . .

    Selected gastronomy

    | Fast-food
    Rügen´s erste Fischbude
    Deutschland 18574 Garz/Rügen Glewitz Nr. 3
    Rügen´s first fish stand at the Glewitz ferry terminal: smoked fish, fish rolls, maritime specialties and marinades.

    motorhome places Stahlbrode in these books

    General Pois

    | church
    Dorfkrche Kirchdorf
    Deutschland 18519 Kirchdorf Heuweg
    This church is a rectangular brick building with a polygonal east end and a square west tower in front, accompanied by annexes. The three-bay building from the 14th century was extensively renovated a. . . FURTHER . . .
    | church
    Kirche Reinberg
    Deutschland 18519 Reinberg An der Kirche 1a
    The origin of the three-nave brick church dates back to the 13th century. The hall with the elaborately decorated gable with pointed arch screens was added later. The square tower, the upper floors ar. . . FURTHER . . .
    | Farmers Shop
    LandWert GmbH u. Co. KG,
    Deutschland 18519 Reinberg
    LandWert GmbH & Co. KG
    LandWert Hof 1, 18519 Sundhagen OT Stahlbrode
    deutschland 18519 Sundhagen Hof Gronow
    A very quiet bathing beach with a boat entrance.
    | Ferry
    deutschland 18574 Garz/Rs¼gen L 30
    Ferry from Glewitz to Stahlbrode.